In accordance with the Procedures and Principles of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVKK"), which entered into force on April 7, 2016; Your personal data that you have shared with "infofair.com.tr"; Within the scope of our commercial relations or within our business relationship with you; Within the framework and duration of the purpose that requires their processing, in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured manner, By maintaining the accuracy of the personal data you have shared and its current state as you have notified us, We hereby inform you that it may be stored, recorded, preserved, retained, reorganized, shared with institutions authorized by law to request such personal data and transferred to domestic or foreign third parties under the conditions stipulated by the KVKK, transferred, classified and processed in other ways listed in the KVKK. The purpose of this Customer Clarification Text is to provide detailed information regarding the processing of personal data obtained from members, users and/or visitors ("Customer", "Invitee") of the website ("Customer", "Invitee") during the operation of the website, which is publicly operated by infofair.com.tr and has a link address.


As a Customer/Invitee, your personal data that may be processed so far and/or in the following processes are as follows; To be processed through the "Fair Application Form" and "E-Invitation Form" tab filled out within the scope of your www.infofair.com.tr website membership; Your name and surname, which are evaluated in the category of identity data, to ensure your distinguishability, to create a fair e-invitation on your behalf, to receive your application for the relevant fair, Your e-mail address, telephone information and address, which are evaluated in the category of contact data; Your e-mail address, telephone information and address will be processed in order to prevent multiple registrations with the same e-mail address in our system, to contact you in case it is necessary to contact you about the fair you have applied / requested an invitation, to contact you regarding your application, to deliver your invitation to the fair, to inform you about the services and products offered, to send advertisements and promotional content via e-mail and telephone if you consent to sending commercial electronic messages to you. The information about the company you work for / the area you plan to use provided in the fair application form on the www.ınfofair.com.tr website will be processed in order to obtain the necessary preliminary information for the fair area to be rented to you. PROCESSING PURPOSES Your personal data may be processed by the Company for the following purposes and reasons. In order to ensure the legitimate interests of the Company, in particular; Your personal data will be processed for the purposes listed below: In order to provide products and services and to communicate regarding the products and services you have received/will receive, In order to realize the performance of contracts, In order to issue invoices in accordance with the legislation in force and to ensure that you can fully and duly exercise your rights arising from the legislation in force, In order to evaluate customer complaints and suggestions regarding our services, In order to improve, develop, diversify our services and to provide or provide information to real/legal persons with whom we have commercial relations, In order to plan the scope of fairs in accordance with the expectations of exhibitors and visitors, to monitor and ensure the continuity of the event, In order to increase the awareness of the fairs by exhibitors, visitors, press, relevant non-governmental organizations and relevant public institutions and organizations, In order to create databases on customers, fair exhibitors and/or fair visitors, to maintain marketing activities, to get to know our customers, fair exhibitors and visitors, to increase mutual communication, to conduct data analysis and research, and to improve service quality, To develop and improve customer data quality, to design and manage loyalty transactions, cross-selling and lost customer regain actions for customer management, To determine and implement the commercial and business strategies of Info Fuarcılık, To organize all records and documents necessary for you to complete your transactions in written, oral or electronic media, In order to convey important information that we need to share with you via your contact information, In order to fulfill the activities related to the services offered to you with the contracted institutions, In order to ensure the legal or technical security and business continuity of persons in a business relationship, In order to carry out our required quality and standard audits or to fulfill our reporting and other obligations determined by laws and regulations, With regulatory and supervisory institutions, as required or obliged by legal regulations, in order to fulfill the legal obligations specified in the KVKK and to exercise our rights arising from the legislation, In addition to these, your personal data may also be processed for the purpose of informing your contact addresses, which will be processed or already processed by the organizations we cooperate with and the commercial electronic message intermediary service provider we have contracted for the promotion and marketing of the services we offer, via SMS and / or e-mail for promotional and marketing activities related to the services of İnfo Fuarcılık. (If required by law, your consent will be obtained.) Your personal data will be processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law. Your personal data will be retained for the maximum period specified in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed, and in any case for the statutory statute of limitations.


İnfo Fuarcılık transfers your personal data to third parties only for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text and in accordance with Articles 8 and 9 of the LPPD. We transfer your personal data to domestic and foreign business partnerships or affiliates in order to fulfill commercial activities and ensure continuity, to domestic and foreign third parties to whom support services are provided or support services are received, to service providers who support us in data processing activities, to audit firms within the scope of relevant contracts for the audit of commercial activities in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, limited within the scope of their requests within the legal authority of the relevant public institutions and organizations, to legally authorized public institutions and organizations, to public institutions and organizations designated to ensure the fulfillment of legal obligations specified in the KVKK, to the commercial electronic message intermediary service provider for the purpose of promotion and advertisement within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the KVKK.


İnfo Fuarcılık has a very high sensitivity and awareness about personal data security and protection of personal privacy. As İnfo Fuarcılık, we take the necessary administrative and technical measures to ensure protection against unauthorized access to personal data or loss, misuse, disclosure, alteration or destruction of this information, to keep your personal data confidential, to ensure confidentiality and to ensure security. In necessary cases, İnfo Fuarcılık immediately informs you and the Personal Data Protection Board in accordance with the Law and personal data protection legislation. The personal data of our Customers/Invitees specified in this Customer Clarification Text are processed by İnfo Fuarcılık by ensuring security in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Procedure and Personal Data Storage and Destruction Policy, especially the Law and personal data protection legislation. Your personal data are kept for the period required for the processing purposes specified in this Customer Clarification Text and in any case for the legal statute of limitations specified in the legal regulations. If the aforementioned periods expire or your request in this direction is deemed appropriate, İnfo Fuarcılık deletes, destroys or anonymizes your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Retention and Destruction Policy.


In accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK, provided that you prove your identity, regarding your personal data; To learn whether the Company has processed personal data about you, and if so, to request information about it, To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose, You have the right to learn whether personal data is transferred domestically or abroad and to whom it is transferred. In addition, you have the right to request that İnfo Fuarcılık corrects your incorrect or incomplete personal data and inform the recipients whose data has been or may have been transferred. You may request from İnfo Fuarcılık the deletion and destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK. At the same time, you may request that third parties to whom the data is or may be transferred be informed about such deletion and destruction. You may object to the results of your personal data analysis created exclusively using an automated system if these results are contrary to your interests. If you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data, you may request compensation for the damage. Your requests in your application will be finalized free of charge within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost for the Company, A fee may be charged as determined by the Personal Data Protection Board in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller. In matters related to the processing of your personal data, you must fill out the application form on the Company's website and submit it to our company as specified in the form. Exceptions to the Right of Application Pursuant to Article 28 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, it will not be possible for personal data owners to assert their rights on the following issues: Processing of personal data for purposes such as research, planning and statistics by anonymizing them with official statistics Processing of personal data for artistic, historical, literary or scientific purposes or within the scope of freedom of expression, provided that it does not violate national defense, national security, public security, public order, economic security, privacy of private life or personal rights or constitute a crime Processing of personal data within the scope of preventive, protective and intelligence activities carried out by public institutions and organizations authorized by law to ensure national defense, national security, public security, public order, economic security Processing of personal data by judicial authorities or enforcement authorities in relation to investigation, prosecution, trial or execution procedures Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 28 of the KVK Law; In the cases listed below, it will not be possible for personal data owners to assert their rights, except for requesting compensation for the damage. Processing of personal data is necessary for the prevention of crime or criminal investigation Processing of personal data made public by the personal data subject himself/herself Personal data processing is necessary for the execution of supervisory or regulatory duties and disciplinary investigations and prosecutions by authorized and authorized public institutions and organizations and professional organizations in the nature of public institutions based on the authority granted by law Personal data processing is necessary for the protection of the economic and financial interests of the state in relation to budget, tax and financial matters


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